31 October 2013

Small beaded Schnauzer

Beaded project are sometimes very difficult to make but there is also much fun in it. And you are even more happier when something beautiful comes out of it. Here I represent to you beaded dog - Schnauzer. Dog is so cute and small just for a key charm or pendant or something else.  :) This project took me hours to make but it was worth all the time and patience.

Made: by Ines

23 October 2013

Key chain

Key chain was new project that I came up with. I added a key, heart as a pendant a shiny ball and a heart to a chain. I would use this any time.  It look's like it was bought in a shop!

Made: by Ines

Beaded book mark

This beaded ribbon as you can see is made out of green and blue beads.  Firstly I tried to make a bracelet but because I'm into books I thought why I don't try to make a book mark. And this is the product of my work. I also added beaded cross to make sure that book mark doesn't fall out of the book when I am reading it. Lenght and wight can be adjusted.

Happy reading!

Made: by Ines

15 October 2013


This beaded dragonfly is small and easy to make. They can be made in different colours and in different sizes. I use it as a pendant for my key chain.

Made: by Ines

12 October 2013

Blue roses

These roses are made out of blue polymer clay. They can be used as pendants (for earrings) , because of tiny holes on each rose. Before baking as instructed, adding two white crystal stones, seemed such a good idea at the time. And now looking at the picture still does!

Instructions how to make these fabulous roses can be found at : http://crafts-art.blogspot.com/search/label/DIY . In instructions I use black colour but as you can see you can use any colour as desired.

Made: by Ines

08 October 2013

Blue beads

Adding wire to beads is fun and simple. You just must be creative and patient. Here for example I used flexible wire and wrapped it around these two pearls. These are meant to be pendants but they can also be used as part of a necklace, bracelet or earrings.( Can be made in different colours!)

Made: by Ines

Purple earrings

This earrings are elegant and useful for different occasions. They are made out of a hook which are not having nickel. Out of a silver wire, where are 3 small  glass purple beads and at the end there are also 2 mat purple pearls add to the wire on each earring. You can wear them as accessory whenever your wishes desire.

Made: By Ines