28 February 2015

Paper tehnique

My first try with paper tehnique on wooden boxes. I used decorative napkins. I used only colored layer of a napkin and before applying I cutted the shape of napkin to put it directly on the box. Then I used glue for paper tehnique and applyed it on the box with a brush. One side after another and then carefully glued napkin on the wooden box. :) You can use any motive you'd like.

Made: by Ines

20 February 2015

Vin Diesel :)

Drawn with on A4 paper format. Style: pencil and shading.

Drawn: By my sister Leja in August 2013

Fimo flowers

I made these nice flowers just recently. These flowers are small (1x1 cm). To make your own flowers you must take some fimo clay shape it into small sphere. You make them as big or small as you want. Just remember you must make 5 of them to make fimo flower. Then you shape spheres into tears and put them together as on the picture above. I added a small crystal for shiny touch. But you can put on the flower more crystals and you can make flowers in any color you want. I made a flower as a pendant for a necklace. But they can be used as well to decorate a phone, you can made a broch and so on. :)

Made: by Ines