30 August 2015

Blue tropical flower

Made some fimo clay flowers and some leaves. With them I made silver necklace with flower in the middle. And black necklace with leaves in the middle to make it more elegant I also putted some blue small beads.  I also made some matching earrings out of flower.

Made: by Ines

29 August 2015

Green tropical flower fimo set

Made some green fimo clay flowers and some leaves. With them I made silver necklace with flower in the middle. To make it more elegant I also putted some green small beads.  I also made some matching earrings out of leaves.

I made matching bracelet with green leaves and small green beads.

Green flower set with a lavander bouquet

Made: by Ines

28 August 2015

Lavander bouquet

With my sisters help I made this Bouquet with lavander. This bouquet is nice to put into the vase or on bed for nice smell of lavander. It can also keep the moths out of range of clothes.

Made: by Ines in Leja

Resin ornaments

Just showing my work with crystal resin. I wanted to try new tehnique this summer and this are my first products. Mix the resin as instructed on the box or instructions. I bought some molds and pour resin into them and when the resin dried I molded ornaments out. In the future I will be trying to made some pendants with them, or something similar.

Made: by Ines

23 August 2015

Sea in the box

Sea shell

Summer party

Summer is coming to the end and all the fun at the beach and the seaside is over, but her are some examples how you can bring your memories to small box and bring them hom to remember you to the best summer you have ever had.  :)

For making these I used 2x2 cm box. You can buy them or use something similar that you can find at home. When you were exploring the sea you must have found some shell that you can use them in this case. I used here some blue/ white dust and blue micro balls and  for first box I only added brown star for more sea touch and in the other box I added some charms to remind me of fun that I had at the beach :). I placed every object and mix some crystal resin and pour it in the box. (Use and make crystal resin as instructions show!!) The resin must harden and the boxes are ready for some good memories to share with your friends.

Made by Ines