30 September 2015

Yellow tropical flower

Made some fimo clay flowers and some leaves. With them I made black necklace with flower in the middle with leaves. To make it more elegant I also putted some yellow small beads.  I also made some matching earrings out of flower.

Made: by Ines

Flower hairpin

Made some bigger fimo clay flowers as picture is showing. In the center I put a rhinestone and cutted the bottom. To the bottom I added hairpins. Now you can put the flowers in your hair :).

Made : by Ines

Floating charms - necklace, keychain

Personalized necklace - floating charms

Personalized necklace - floating charms

Floating charms keychain

I bought some new necklaces with glass on bouth sides. We can see that the pendant is see through. As pictures show you can made necklace or keychain out of them. Pendant can be open and you can pic some charms that personalize you and out them in the pendant.

Made: by Ines