16 December 2015

Sad girl and Moon lady

Sad girl

A3 format, pencil art.

Moon lady
A3 format, pencil art.

This two pictures are my earliest works. At that time this was best. Since then I practiced  and evolved my drawing style and skills as you can see for yourself.

Drawn: by Ines

07 December 2015

02 December 2015

Lily lady

I have drawn this.... Sadly I can not remember. It's a shame that I only started signing my art few years ago.

A3 format, pencil art

Drawn: by Ines

19 November 2015


Stopite narahlo kakor v copatih
Naravnost pri glavnih vratih
V ta lepi dan, kot bi šli v pesem.

Svet naokrog je vabljiv in vonljiv,
Čudno resen in nemalo slovesen:
Nekdo se je pravkar rodil.
In to je najlepša pesem.

Stopite narahlo in pustite k nebesom
Odprite vrata.
Naj skoznje lije botrinja bogata-
Novorojenčkova pesem.

Tone Pavček

31 October 2015

Bottle on the necklace

They say that poison is hidden in small bottles. :) To make this pendant you will need one bottle or more. Than you prepare some small items that can go in the bottle. Chose your colour. I use soft pastels (dust) and mix it with prepared crystal resin. Use less dust for lighter colour or more for darker. Put chosen items in the bottle and pour crystal resin in all prepared bottles. For nicely filled bottles I use toothpick and fill the bottle drop by drop.  After that clean your work space and secure the bottles. Let them dry through the night. Close the bottles with prepared cork. In cork there should be silver hook if not made it yourself. Chose necklace with favorite colour and lenght, add some smaller beads  on ring and squeeze the hook around the ring as seen on picture above.

Made: by Ines

Happy halloween to you all! :)

Dome earrings

Dome earring are easy to make. You can buy see through domes and silver earrings and all you must do is chose the item that you want seen on the earring. Your other option is that you buy flat silver earrings and you glue chosen picture on it. Then you can pour crytal resin over it. Plus side of this option is lighter earrings. :)

Made: by Ines


Starfish fimo clay

Made: by Ines

30 September 2015

Yellow tropical flower

Made some fimo clay flowers and some leaves. With them I made black necklace with flower in the middle with leaves. To make it more elegant I also putted some yellow small beads.  I also made some matching earrings out of flower.

Made: by Ines

Flower hairpin

Made some bigger fimo clay flowers as picture is showing. In the center I put a rhinestone and cutted the bottom. To the bottom I added hairpins. Now you can put the flowers in your hair :).

Made : by Ines

Floating charms - necklace, keychain

Personalized necklace - floating charms

Personalized necklace - floating charms

Floating charms keychain

I bought some new necklaces with glass on bouth sides. We can see that the pendant is see through. As pictures show you can made necklace or keychain out of them. Pendant can be open and you can pic some charms that personalize you and out them in the pendant.

Made: by Ines

30 August 2015

Blue tropical flower

Made some fimo clay flowers and some leaves. With them I made silver necklace with flower in the middle. And black necklace with leaves in the middle to make it more elegant I also putted some blue small beads.  I also made some matching earrings out of flower.

Made: by Ines

29 August 2015

Green tropical flower fimo set

Made some green fimo clay flowers and some leaves. With them I made silver necklace with flower in the middle. To make it more elegant I also putted some green small beads.  I also made some matching earrings out of leaves.

I made matching bracelet with green leaves and small green beads.

Green flower set with a lavander bouquet

Made: by Ines

28 August 2015

Lavander bouquet

With my sisters help I made this Bouquet with lavander. This bouquet is nice to put into the vase or on bed for nice smell of lavander. It can also keep the moths out of range of clothes.

Made: by Ines in Leja

Resin ornaments

Just showing my work with crystal resin. I wanted to try new tehnique this summer and this are my first products. Mix the resin as instructed on the box or instructions. I bought some molds and pour resin into them and when the resin dried I molded ornaments out. In the future I will be trying to made some pendants with them, or something similar.

Made: by Ines

23 August 2015

Sea in the box

Sea shell

Summer party

Summer is coming to the end and all the fun at the beach and the seaside is over, but her are some examples how you can bring your memories to small box and bring them hom to remember you to the best summer you have ever had.  :)

For making these I used 2x2 cm box. You can buy them or use something similar that you can find at home. When you were exploring the sea you must have found some shell that you can use them in this case. I used here some blue/ white dust and blue micro balls and  for first box I only added brown star for more sea touch and in the other box I added some charms to remind me of fun that I had at the beach :). I placed every object and mix some crystal resin and pour it in the box. (Use and make crystal resin as instructions show!!) The resin must harden and the boxes are ready for some good memories to share with your friends.

Made by Ines

05 July 2015

Irish beading bracelets


Swarovski royal blue and white

Swarovski red and orange

Swarovski purple and white

Swarovski light blue and dark blue

Swarovski red and white

Swarovski bracelets made in irish style in different colors for events (not for daily use). Other styles coming soon. :)

Made by Ines

26 June 2015

Garden rose

White garden rose

Photo: by Ines

Sweet cream rolls and a roll withouth flour

Sweet cream rolls
Slovenski  recept http://jazkuham.si/samrole-recept-4349

Recipe in English: http://monipakistani.blogspot.com/2012/05/cream-rolls-afghan-dish.html

Above there are similar instructions to make sweet cream rolls (2 different shapes). The filling can be same as the one for cream slices or vannila puding and other.
A roll without flour
Slovenski recept:

Recipe in English:

Ingridients for pound cake:
6 eggs
6 spoons of powdered sugar
6 spoons of grined walnuts
2 pinches of baking powder

Ingridients for filling:

1 sour cream (180 g)
1 spoon of vanilla sugar

You can add strawberries, blueberries, or so some experiments of your own. :)

Baking the pound cake:

First separate egg white from yolk. Whipe egg white to snow. Then mix yolk and sugar and baking powder. Add whipped snow and walnuts and gently mix the ingridients with wooden spoon. Then put mixed ingridients on tray with baking paper. Bake 20 minutes with 170 degrees Celsius.
When baked  separate pound from paper and roll it in kitchen towel and wait to cool down.

Then mix sour cream, sugar and fruit and spread the filling on the pound cake. For more cooling put in the fridge.

Baking by Ines

18 June 2015

Summer Lace ;)

Anchor lace

Circle lace

Flower lace

Laces were made a long time ago. I was searching through my school stuff and found them.

Hope you enjoy looking at laces.

Made by Ines :)

Rose key chain

After making lots of set with roses I had some small roses. I didn' t know what to do with them so I made this:

This is rose pendant for a mobile key chain. :)

Made: by Ines

17 June 2015

Tree of life

Tried to draw a tree on skin with regular black pen as a try-out for real tattoo. It turned really nice apart from the ink spilled  (small amount) around on the skin surface.

Motive: by Leja
Drawn: by Ines

Lily of the valley

Just started to  blossom. Photo was taken in the middle of  May on a sunny day.
Photo: by Ines


Taking a walk on a rainy day and found this beautiful lily.

Photo: by Ines

Stella the cat


Just smelling the flower.

This is one happy smiling cat :)

Photo: by Ines

26 May 2015

Music notes

Making some music notes with fimo clay, drawing and searching quotes. Inspired by Eurovision 2015.  I made fimo clay notes and decided to make broch out of them. Picture is drawn on A5 paper format.


'' If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it;that sufeiting,
The appetite may sicken and so die.''

 (William Shakespeare)

Drawn and made by Ines

04 May 2015

Night glow earrings

Went to the store since I had time to make some magic. And found night glow fimo clay. Made some earrings for my sister and now I can find her when it's dark. :)

Made: by Ines