26 June 2015

Sweet cream rolls and a roll withouth flour

Sweet cream rolls
Slovenski  recept http://jazkuham.si/samrole-recept-4349

Recipe in English: http://monipakistani.blogspot.com/2012/05/cream-rolls-afghan-dish.html

Above there are similar instructions to make sweet cream rolls (2 different shapes). The filling can be same as the one for cream slices or vannila puding and other.
A roll without flour
Slovenski recept:

Recipe in English:

Ingridients for pound cake:
6 eggs
6 spoons of powdered sugar
6 spoons of grined walnuts
2 pinches of baking powder

Ingridients for filling:

1 sour cream (180 g)
1 spoon of vanilla sugar

You can add strawberries, blueberries, or so some experiments of your own. :)

Baking the pound cake:

First separate egg white from yolk. Whipe egg white to snow. Then mix yolk and sugar and baking powder. Add whipped snow and walnuts and gently mix the ingridients with wooden spoon. Then put mixed ingridients on tray with baking paper. Bake 20 minutes with 170 degrees Celsius.
When baked  separate pound from paper and roll it in kitchen towel and wait to cool down.

Then mix sour cream, sugar and fruit and spread the filling on the pound cake. For more cooling put in the fridge.

Baking by Ines

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